Knowing me, knowing you - a tour of the Swedish biogas plants
Over 30 participants, all interested about biogas plants, embarked on the first week of November on a five day tour of Sweden and Finland. In the course of these five days and the 2000 travelled kilometers, eight biogas plants were inspected by the travellers. The purpose of the trip, which took the group from Boden in the North to Stockholm in the South, was to get acquinted with the latest developments in biogas plnats in Sweden. Two Finnish sites were also visited on the return leg to Oulu. The biogas plants were of various sizes, ranging from small farm size units producing energy for own use, to bigger, industrial scale units, which use both food bio waste and sewage sludges of water purifiation plants. The trip truly showcased the differences between Finland and Sweden. Swedes seem to be light years ahead of us - again - but hopefully the gap can be closed in the near future. More information about the trip and the discoveries can be found from the travel report, which is below. An english version will be submitted shortly.
"Världens renaste bränsle kommer från Skellefteå" - the worlds cleanes fuel is produced in Skellefteå - believe it or not, but that is what they claim at the biogas plant of Skellefteå. This plant, which is owned by the municipality of Skellefteå, produces transportation fuel from food bio waste and from sewage sludge of the water purification plant. More infromation about this plant, and about the several other ones visited during the trip, can be found from the above mentioned travel report.
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